Can’t decide if you should renovate your current home or move into a new one?
Heres some quick questions that will help you decide.
Should you renovate?
• Do you love the current layout of your home?
• Do you love location of your current home?
• Did you purchase the home recently?
• Would you be able to afford the costs of a home renovation?
• Can you tolerate living in a construction zone?
If you answered yes to a majority of these questions, you should consider staying in your current house and doing some renovations to make it your dream home!
Should you move?
• Is it a good time to sell?
• Is your dream home even available?
• Are you financially prepared to purchase a home?
• Can you afford the type of house you want?
• Would renovations stress you out?
If you answered yes to a majority of these questions, you should consider purchasing a new home rather than doing a remodel! Have questions about the home buying process? Fill out our contact form and let’s chat!